Friday, December 27, 2019

Salario mínimo 2019 y 2020 federal, estados en EE.UU.

En Estados Unidos, el gobierno federal fija el monto del salario mà ­nimo, asà ­ como las categorà ­as de trabajadores que pueden cobrar una cantidad inferior a ese sueldo. Ademà ¡s, estados, ciudades y condados pueden exigir a las empresas que operan en sus territorios que paguen un sueldo mà ­nimo superior al federal. Y es que la empresa està ¡ obligada a pagar a sus trabajadores el salario mà ­nimo mà ¡s alto que aplique. Por ejemplo, si opera en una ciudad con salario mà ­nimo de $15,00/hora en un estado que fija un sueldo base de $12, la empresa debe pagar el de fijado por las ordenanzas de la ciudad, por ser mà ¡s alto. Salario mà ­nimo El gobierno federal fija el salario mà ­nimo por hora, y tambià ©n sus excepciones (trabajadores que reciben propinas, aprendices, etc.)29 estados han establecido un salario mà ­nimo superior al federal y que aplica obligatoriamente dentro de sus territorios.44 ciudades y condados han elevado los salarios mà ­nimos que aplican en sus territorios por encima de los mà ­nimos fijados por el gobierno federal y sus estados. Salario mà ­nimo federal en 2019 y 2020 en Estados Unidos En Estados Unidos el Congreso de EE.UU. fija un salario mà ­nimo segà ºn la Ley de Està ¡ndares Laborales Justos, conocida como FLSA por sus siglas en inglà ©s. El establecimiento de un sueldo bà ¡sico fue establecido por primera vez en 1938 durante el gobierno de Franklin Delano Roosevelt y se fijà ³ en 25 cà ©ntimos por hora. Ese mismo aà ±o se establecià ³ que, salvo excepciones fijadas por la ley, todo el trabajo que supere las 40 horas a la semana debe ser pagado a la razà ³n de una hora y media por hora extra. En la actualidad, y desde el 24 de julio de 2009 el salario mà ­nimo que fija el gobierno federal para todo el paà ­s es de $7,25 por hora, excepto para los trabajadores exentos, que pueden cobrar menos. Sin embargo, en cumplimiento de la Orden Ejecutiva 13658 los trabajadores que realicen labores relacionadas o en conexià ³n con un contrato federal deben cobrar un sueldo mà ­nimo superior. En 2019 es de $10,35 por hora y a partir del 1 de enero de 2020 sube a $10,80/hora. Ademà ¡s, comenzando el mismo dà ­a, los trabajadores que reciben propinas y està ¡n cubiertos o conectados con un contrato federal deben cobrar un mà ­nimo de salario en dinero de $7,55/hora. Salario mà ­nimo federal $7,25: salario mà ­nimo federal$7,55: Salario mà ­nimo para personas con contratos federales que reciben propinas$10,35 (2019) / $10,80 (2020): salario mà ­nimo para trabajadores con contratos federales o conectados al gobierno federal sin propinas Salario mà ­nimo en 2020 en los 50 estados de EE.UU., Distrito de Columbia (D.C.), Puerto Rico y otros territorios Segà ºn el Economic Policy Institute un total de 29 estados exigen el pago de un salario salario mà ­nimo superior al de $7,25/hora fijado por las leyes federales. Estos son los datos por hora desglosados por estados: Alabama:  $7,25  (salario mà ­nimo federal, no mà ­nimo estatal)Alaska:  $10,19Arizona:  $12,00Arkansas:  $10,00California:  $13,00  (empresas con 25 empleados o menos tienen un aà ±o para cumplir)Colorado:  $12,00Connecticut:  $11,00  ($12.00 Septiembre 2020)Delaware:  $9,25District of Columbia:  $15,00Florida:  $8,56Georgia:$7,25  ($5,15  si no està ¡ cubierto por reglas federales)Guam:  $8,75  (Marzo 2020). Este es un territorio de EE.UU.Hawaii: $10,10  Idaho:  $7,25Illinois:  $9,25  Indiana:  $7,25Iowa:  $7,25  Kansas:  $7,25Kentucky:  $7,25Louisiana:  $7,25  Maine: $12,00  Maryland:  $11,00  Massachusetts:  $12,75Michigan:  $9,65Minnesota:  $10,00, ($8,5 pequeà ±as empresas con menos de 50k en ventas anuales)Mississippi:  $7,25  (salario mà ­nimo federal, no mà ­nimo estatal)Missouri:  $9,45Montana:  $8,65 ($4,00 para negocios con rentas anuales brutas de $110.000 o menos)Nebraska:  $9,00Nevada: $9,00  (Julio 2020)  New Hampshire:  $7,25  New Jersey:  $11,00New Mexico:  $9,00New York:  $11,80North Carolina:  $7,25  North Dakota:  $7,25Ohio:  $8,70Oklahoma:  $7,25Oregon:  $12,00  (Julio 2020)Pennsylvania:  $7,25Puerto Rico: $6,55  ($7.25 Trabajadores cubiertos por la Ley Federal de Està ¡ndar Laboral Justo (FLSA))Rhode Island:  $10,50  South Carolina:  $7,25  South Dakota:  $9,30Tennessee:  $7,25  Texas:  $7,25Utah:  $7,25Vermont:$10,96U.S. Virgin  Islands: $10,50. Territorio de EE.UU.Virginia:  $7,25Washington:  $13,50West  Virginia:  $8,75Wisconsin:  $7,25Wyoming: $7,25 Washington tiene el salario mà ­nimo estatal mà ¡s alto en 2020: $13,50 Salario mà ­nimo 2019 en los  50 estados, DC y Puerto Rico   En ocasiones se hace referencia a incrementos segà ºn CPI. Esas son las iniciales en inglà ©s del Indice de Precio al Consumo y significa en este contexto que los salarios suben automà ¡ticamente en una fecha determinada segà ºn el incremento de ese à ­ndice. Alabama: $7,25Alaska:  $9,89. Se incrementa anualmente de acuerdo en el CPIArizona: $11,00Arkansas: $9,25California: $12,00. (Empresas con mà ¡s de 26 empleados. $11 para las que tienen menos)Carolina del Norte: $7,25Carolina del Sur: $7,25Colorado: $11,10Connecticut: $10,10Dakota del Norte: $7,25Dakota del Sur: $9,10Delaware: $9,25 con fecha 1 octubre 2019Distrito Columbia (Washington D.C.): $14,00Florida: $8,46Georgia: $7,25. Trabajadores excluidos protecciones federales: $5,15Guam: $8,25 (territorio de EE.UU.)Hawà ¡i: $10,10Idaho: $7,25Illinois: $8,25Indiana: $7,25Iowa: $7,25Kansas: $7,25Kentucky: $7,25. Trabajadores laborando para el estado, $10,10Luisiana: $7,25Maine: $11,00Maryland: $10,10Massachusetts: $12,00Michigan: $9,45Minnesota: grandes empresas, $9,86 y las pequeà ±as, $8,04Misisipi: $7,25Misuri: $8,60Montana: $8,50. $4 en empresas con menos de $110.000 ventas brutas.Nebraska: $9,00Nevada: $8,25Nuevo Hampshire: $7,25Nueva Jersey: $8,85Nuevo Mà ©xico: $7,50Nueva Yor k:  $11,10Ohio: $8,55Oklahoma: $7,25Oregà ³n: $11,25Pensilvania: $7,25Puerto Rico: $7,25 (trabajadores protegidos por Federal Fair Labor Standards Act)Rhode Island: $10,50Tennessee: $7,25Texas: $7,25Utah: $7,25Vermont: $10,78Islas Và ­rgenes: $10,50 (territorio de EE.UU.).Virginia: $7,25Virginia Occidental: $8,75Washington: $12,00Wisconsin: $7,25Wyoming: $7,25 ($5,15, si no aplican regulaciones federales) Condados y ciudades con salarios mà ­nimos: 2019 y 2020 Segà ºn el Economic Policy Institute, en Estados Unidos 44 condados y municipios tienen salarios mà ­nimos superiores a los exigidos por las leyes federales o por las del estado en el que se encuentran. Son los siguientes: Alameda (CA) 2019: $13,50A partir 1 julio 2020: $15,00 Albuquerque (NM) $9.20. Menor para cuidadores Belmont (CA) 2019: $13,502020: $15 Berkeley (CA) 2019: $15,59A partir 1 julio de 2020: $15,59 mà ¡s CPI Bernalillo County (NM) 2019: $9,052020: $9,20 Birmingham (AL) $10,10, pero no aplica. Pendiente resolucià ³n en corte. Chicago (IL) 2019: $13,00A partir 1 julio 2020: $13,00 mà ¡s incremento CPI Cook County (IL) 2919: $12,001 julio 2020: $13,00 Cupertino (CA) 2019: $15,002020: $15,35 El Cerrito (CA) 2019: $15,002020: $15,37 Emeryville (CA) $16,20, con situacià ³n de pausa para restaurantes pequeà ±os e independientes. Flagstaff (AZ) 2019: $11,002020: $12,00 Fremont (CA) 2019, empresas con 26 empleados o mà ¡s: $13,50A partir 1 julio 2020, empresas con 25 trabajadores o menos: $13,50. Empresas con mà ¡s: $15,00. Las Cruces (NM) 2019: $10,102020: $10,25 Los Altos (CA) 2019: $15,002020: $15,40 Los Angeles City (CA) 2019: $13,25 para empresas con 25 trabajadores o menos y $14,25, con 26 trabajadores o mà ¡sA partir del 1 de julio de 2020, empresas con 25 trabajadores o menos: $14,25 y con mà ¡s: $15,00 Los Angeles County (CA) Lo mismo que en Los Angeles City. Malibu (CA) 2019: $14,25.A partir 1 julio 2020: $15,00 Milpitas (CA) 2019: $15,002020: incrementarà ¡ el CPI cada 1 de julio. Minneapolis (MN) 2019: $8,04 pequeà ±as empresas, $9,86 empresas grandes2020: $10,00 grandes empresas y $8,15 para pequeà ±as. Montgomery County (MD) 2019: $12,50 empresas con 50 empleados o menos, $13,00 empresas con mà ¡s.A partir del 1 de julio de 2020, pequeà ±as empresas: $13,00, medianas empresas: $13,25 y empresas grandes: $14,00. Mountainview (CA) 2019: $15,65.2020: $16,05 Nassau, Suffolk y Westchester counties (NY) 2019: $12,002020: $13,00 Nueva York Ciudad (NY) 2019: $15,00 empresas de 11 trabajadores o mà ¡s, $13,50 para el resto.2020: $15,00 para todas Resto estado Nueva York 2019: $11,10.2020: $11,80. Oakland (CA) 2019: $14,25A partir 1 julio 2020: $15,00 Palo Alto (CA) 2019: $15,002020: $15,40 Pasadena (CA) 2019: $13,25 empresas pequeà ±as y $14,25 para el restoA partir 1 julio 2020: $14,25 para pequeà ±as empresas y $15,00 para las grandes. Portland Metro (OR) 2019: $12,50A partir 1 julio 2020: $13,25. Portland (ME) $11,11 Prince Georges Country (MD) $11,50 Richmond (CA) $15,00 San Diego (CA) 2019: $12,002020: $13,00 San Francisco (CA) 2019: $15,591 de julio de 2020 incrementarà ¡ segà ºn el CPI. Santa Fe (AZ) 2019: $11,80.2020: se incrementa con CPI Santa Monica (CA) 2019: $14,25 empresas de menos de 26 trabajadores, $13, 25 empresas con mà ¡s. Trabajadores de hoteles, mismo salario que en Los Angeles.1 de julio 2020: $15,00. Empresas con menos de 25 trabajadores y ONGs tiene un aà ±o mà ¡s para ajustarse a esa cifra. Seatac (WA) 2019: $16,09.2020: $16,34 Seattle (WA) 2019: $16,00 para empresas de 501 trabajadores o mà ¡s. $15,00 para empresas mà ¡s pequeà ±as para trabajadores sin beneficios mà ©dicos ni propinas. $12,00 para el resto.2020. $16,00 para grandes empresas, $15,75 para resto sin beneficios mà ©dicos ni propinas y $13,50 para resto. Sunnyvale (CA) 2019: $15,652020: $16,05 Tacoma (WA) 2019: $12,35.2020: ajuste de acuerdo al incremento del CPI. Cabe destacar que frecuentemente quedan excluidos de esos salarios mà ­nimos los trabajadores que reciben propinas o trabajan en el sector de la comida rà ¡pida. Asimismo, cabe resaltar que la mayorà ­a de las ciudades y condados que incrementan sus salarios mà ­nimos lo hacen el primer dà ­a del aà ±o. Cuando no es asà ­, se especifica que el cambio se produce a partir del 1 de julio, cuando lo realizan muchas entidades. Sin embargo, hay excepciones. Por ejemplo, Flagstaff cambia en marzo y Nueva York el 31 de diciembre. Finalmente, algunas ciudades y condados unen el monto del incremento de su salario mà ­nimo al Indice de Precios al Consumo, conocido por sus siglas en inglà ©s CPI, que fija todos los aà ±os el Bureau de Estadà ­sticas de Trabajo. Seatac es la ciudad con salario mà ­nimo mà ¡s alto en 2020: $16,35/hora. Empresas con salario mà ­nimo Algunas empresas han establecido salario mà ­nimo por hora para sus trabajadores, por ejemplo: Amazon: $15,00Bank of America: $17,00Cotsco: $15,50Ben Jerrys: $16,92JP Morgan Chase: $15,00. Para trabajadores en Chicago, Detroit y Wilmington: $16,50. Para trabajadores en NYC y San Francisco: $18.Facebook: $15, aumentando a $18 en à ¡reas caras como Washington D.C., Nueva York o San Francisco y pagando a sus empleados en la sede de Seattle un mà ­nimo de $18,00/hora.Whole Food Markets: $15,00Huntington National Bank: $18Walmart: $11,00Target: fijado en $15 para final de 2020 Los cruceros suelen pagar salarios por encima del salario mà ­nimo, tanto a trabajadores estadounidenses como a extranjeros con visa C1/D. Excepciones a la regla general del salario mà ­nimo Leyes federales establecen las situaciones en las que se permite pagar al trabajador  un sueldo inferior al salario mà ­nimo federal. Por ejemplo, empleos con propinas (tips). Otra excepcià ³n a las leyes del salario mà ­nimo son los jà ³venes menores de 20 aà ±os. Durante las primeras 90 horas trabajadas en un empleo el salario mà ­nimo es de $4,25 por hora. Tampoco aplica el mà ­nimo federal a estudiantes a tiempo completo, incluidos los internacionales,  que durante sus estudios trabajan para una universidad, college, tienda o en el sector servicios dentro del Full-Student Program. Cobran el 85 por ciento del salario mà ­nimo. Finalmente, tambià ©n està ¡n excluidos: aprendices, que deben cobrar, al menos, el 75 por ciento del salario mà ­nimoempleados con ciertas discapacidades  (disabilities)babysitter en situaciones de horas sueltasacompaà ±antes de personas ancianasempleados en granjas pequeà ±asrepartidores de perià ³dicosempleados de ferias y atraccionestrabajadores en el sector de la pesca Sueldo bà ¡sico federal y por estados de los meseros que cobran propinas Segà ºn la ley federal, el sueldo bà ¡sico de los meseros que cobran propinas es $2,13 por hora. Sin embargo, si entre lo que cobran por propinas y salario no llega a $7,25 por hora en una semana, el empresario deberà ¡ compensar al trabajador por la diferencia. Por ejemplo, si un dà ­a hay muy poco trabajo porque hay una nevada muy grande y a consecuencia de ello un mesero atiende en un turno de 8 horas solamente una mesa y recibe una propina de $10 en toda la noche, debe hacerse un cà ¡lculo para ese turno y el patrà ³n debe aportar dinero hasta completar el mà ­nimo por hora para ese turno. Ademà ¡s, los que realizan trabajos que reciben propinas y que està ¡n relacionados con contratos federales deben cobrar en efectivo el salario mà ­nimo de $7,55/hora en 2020. Asimismo, hay estados que establecen su propio mà ­nimo para trabajadores con propinas –tipped minimum wage, en inglà ©s. Por ejemplo: California: Menos de 25 empleados: $11Mà ¡s de 25 empleados: $12 Colorado: Salario mà ­nimo: $8,08 para un mà ­nimo de $11,20/hora incluyendo propinas Florida Salario mà ­nimo pagado: $5,44 para un mà ­nimo de $8,46/hora, incluidas propinas. Illinois Salario mà ­nimo pagado: $4,95, para un mà ­nimo de $8,25 incluyendo propinas Nueva Jersey Salario mà ­nimo pagado: $2,63 para un mà ­nimo de $10,00/hora incluyendo propinas Nueva York En la industria de la comida rà ¡pida, los trabajadores deben ser pagados en 2020 $15 la hora en NYC y $13,75 en el resto del estado. Texas y Virginia Salario mà ­nimo pagado: $2,13, para un mà ­nimo con propinas de $7,25/hora Segà ºn una sentencia de la Corte Suprema de 1942 y una modificacià ³n de la Ley de Està ¡ndares Laborales de 2012, todas las propinas pertenecen al trabajador que las recibe, no estando obligado a compartirlas ni con otros empleados ni con el patrà ³n. Por otro lado, debe pagarse impuestos por las propinas y el empleador està ¡ obligado a reportarlas en el W-2, para ello el empleado debe haber completado el formulario I-9 para trabajar. La empresa debe, asimismo, colaborar en el pago de impuestos FICA (Medicare y Seguro Social). Quà © hacer si la empresa no paga el salario mà ­nimo Se puede llamar al 1-866-487-9243 o contactar con la pà ¡gina de la agencia del gobierno federal encargada de implementar estas leyes.   Este servicio es confidencial y gratuito. Pueden utilizarlo no sà ³lo los trabajadores legales sino tambià ©n los indocumentados. En todo caso, teniendo en cuenta la situacià ³n delicada actual de los migrantes en esa situacià ³n migratoria es aconsejable contactar con un abogado o con una asociacià ³n de apoyo a migrantes con conocimiento de las leyes laborales.  ¿Es suficiente el salario mà ­nimo para vivir en EE.UU.? No hay una à ºnica respuesta ya que depende, entre otros factores, del tamaà ±o del hogar familiar, de cuà ¡ntos sueldos ingresan, de si hay personas enfermas, de si se tiene opcià ³n a recibir seguro mà ©dico en el trabajo y, tambià ©n, cuà ¡n asequible es la ciudad en la que se reside. Muchos de estos trabajadores, a pesar de trabajar a tiempo completo, necesitan apoyarse en beneficios sociales como, por ejemplo, Medicaid, un programa de asistencia mà ©dica, CHIP para nià ±os, cupones de alimentos, o los voucher de la Seccià ³n 8 de ayuda para el pago del alquiler. Los migrantes, aà ºn cuando sean residentes permanentes legales, deben asegurase de que cumplen todos los requisitos legales para, en primer lugar, recibir beneficios pà ºblicos. Efectos migratorios de cobrar salario mà ­nimo: la carga pà ºblica Ganar el salario mà ­nimo en EE.UU. podrà ­a ser problemà ¡tico para pedir los papeles de la residencia para familiares segà ºn las nuevas reglas de carga pà ºblica que quiere aplicar el gobierno del presidente Donald Trump. Esta nueva medida deberà ­a haber entrado en vigor el 15 de octubre de 2019, sin embargo, cortes federales han paralizado su aplicacià ³n dentro de EE.UU. por parte de USCIS y DHS a la espera de otras resoluciones judiciales, que serà ¡n las que determinen si se pueden aplicar las nuevas normas de carga pà ºblica y quà © beneficios pà ºblicos pueden afectar a la obtencià ³n de la residencia. Sin embargo, esta regla de carga pà ºblica sà ­ puede ser aplicada por el Departamento de Estado en sus consulados y embajadas desde 15 de octubre de 2019 cuando, entre otras labores, tramitan las visas de inmigrante. Fuentes: â€Å"Establishing a Minimum Wage for Contractors, Notice of Rate Change in Effect as of January 1, 2020.†Ã‚  Federal Register, 19 Sept. 2019,â€Å"Minimum Wage.†Ã‚  U.S. Department of Labor,â€Å"The Free Online Labor Law Resource.†Ã‚  Federal and State Minimum Wage Rates for 2019, Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Racisim in the World We Live In - 753 Words

What is racism in the world that we live in? Racism as we know it dates back to ancient times. In the society that we live in today racism is defined as a person that believes a certain human race is superior to any or all others. When someone treats another race with inferiority it causes people to be unequal. Whether it is the difference in skin color or culture racism has affected the world in thousands of ways and for thousands of years. Our ancestors have gone through the question of what makes one man believe that he is better than another. It is troubling that even today we still deal with this problem. The use of racism needs to be abolished from the media representation, government discrimination, and education. These solutions can solve some of society’s dilemma with racism. To begin with the media representation of racism plays a significant role in society. The world we live in today is influenced by what the media shows and portrays. It reinforces people’s values and norms. It also perpetuates certain ways of perceiving the world and people within this world. When the media only shows you the negative that is all people ever see. It’s in the movies and even on the news. The media encourages influencing the audience’s stereotype on different groups of people. If you look at minorities in the media today they are always associated with words like criminal, rapist, and drug dealer. The world will hear and see these negative connotations and it will change theirShow MoreRelatedThe Green Parties Primary Goal929 Words   |  4 Pagesresisting attacks to protect us from extreme weather events, protect the natural world, and end animal testing which harms the natural world. They will provide and dispose waste safely for a better environment and use limited resources. This is where the party platform takes in place. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Hemp Essay Research Paper Hemp Hawaii free essay sample

Hemp Essay, Research Paper Hemp: Hawaii fs Future Industry Hawaii fs economic system is based chiefly on the tourer industry. But, there is another industry that can make even better, the hemp industry. Hemp is a tall, aggressive works, or scientifically, the Cannabis sativa L. Many people confuse hemp with the drug-type of this works. They are both from the Cannabaceae household, but are really different from each other. Many people believe that hemp may hold been the first cultivated works. For 1000s of old ages, it has been used worldwide. The earliest known woven cloth was of hemp, which dates back to the eight millenary ( 8,000-7,000 b. c. ) . Majority of all canvass, apparels, collapsible shelters, carpets, curtains, towels, paper, rope, string, art canvas, pigments and varnishes, and illuming oil were all made from hemp. It is one of the strongest and longest fibres in the universe. But one time William Randolph Hearst, proprietor of the largest newspaper concatenation in the US, published articles that the drug-type hemp was linked with offense, they renamed it # 8220 ; marijuana # 8221 ; . We will write a custom essay sample on Hemp Essay Research Paper Hemp Hawaii or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This name has been stuck with all the types of this works, including industrial hemp. Over the past 50 to sixty old ages, it was made illegal and seen as immorality. Hemp is divided into fiber-type workss and drug-type workss based on their THC ( THC ) content. THC is the chemical that produces hallucinogenic effects. Hemp may incorporate a degree up to merely 0.3 % THC which is uneffective in bring forthing any type of hallucination. The THC degrees of the drug-type ( marijuana or drug hemp ) that people smoke are typically between 3 % and 10 % . Hemp can be grown in all climatic zones in America, including Hawaii. There wouldn foot be any competition for productive farm land with nutrient harvests because it can be grown in rotary motion with the nutrient harvests or on fringy farm land where nutrient production is non profitable. Decreases in sugar cane and pineapple land area have left agricultural lands available for cultivation of new harvests, such as industrial hemp. The cultivation of hemp airss few jobs with works diseases and there have been merely a few studies on soil-borne diseases caused by it. Probes on the consequence of fibre hemp were tested on three major dirt pathogens. They were all suppressed with hemp, and were found that hemp in a harvest rotary motion might better dirt wellness. This shows that hemp can be used as a rotary motion harvest and assist extinguish or stamp down these pathogens for other harvests. Another environmental benefit hemp has to offer is that it fs non necessary to hold to weedkillers or pesticides. Fungicides haven ft been found effectual and other biocides aren foot needed. Hemp is besides a really effectual weed suppressor. It grows really rapidly and dumbly, about four metres in three months, so it blocks out sunlight to any other weeds seeking to turn. Hemp is besides a really successful eliminator of C dioxide. This provides obvious benefits for the nursery consequence. Every ton of hemp grown and used removes 1.5 dozenss of C dioxide. Hemp is considered to be one of the best biomass merchandises in the universe. It fs a significant renewable resource that can be used as a fuel for electric power and other energy merchandises. By the twelvemonth 2010, it is predicted that over 13,000 megawatts of biomass power could be installed. The economic activity associated with biomass presently supports about 66,000 occupations in the United States. That fs a batch of occupations that more people can take advantage of. Hemp is better than coal and oil because they are pollutants and release gases into the ambiance. Biomass fuels don ft produce any sulfur emanations, they recycle atmospheric Cs, minimise planetary heating impacts, and they help to alleviate acid rain. It can besides be used to obtain alternate fuels from new engineering, which reduces our dependance and export of money out of the local economic system. Economically, hemp produces fantastic merchandises. It can do edifice stuffs and all classs of paper or cloth. Hemp seeds can be used as a beginning of oil. But in order to import hemp seeds into the U. S. , it has to be sterilized outside of the state. Anything that can be made out of wood or plastic can be made from hemp. As a cloth, it fs softer, more insulating, absorptive, and longer enduring than cotton. One acre of hemp produces the same sum of paper as 4.1 estates of trees do. It is all natural and biodegradable. And can besides be safely bleached. The first paper really made from hemp, every bit good as the first bill of exchange of the Declaration of Independence and the U. S. Constitution. The importance of the hemp industry could intend so much to break the province of Hawaii. Not merely is industrial hemp an environmental benefit, but it would besides break our economic system. Because hemp has so many environmental benefits, we wouldn ft have to pass so much seeking to repair anything and nature degree Fahrenheit jobs. Industrial hemp allows us to salvage money and spend it other of import issues necessitating aid. Traveling into this industry might look as if we are headed towards a life style of drugs, but it is all really incorrect. The lone manner any human being could acquire # 8220 ; high # 8221 ; off of industrial hemp, would be to smoke a joint the size of a telephone pole in a individual scene, which is humanly impossible. The House of Representatives of the Twentieth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 1999, the Department of Business, the Economic Development, and Tourism has requested the turning of industrial hemp in Hawaii for biomass energy production. The authorities has proposed this to the Department of Business and the Department of Agriculture, finishing the research of turning workss. Hawaii is acquiring a start that might merely alter our economic system and better the status of the universe. We now need to recognize that hemp is non traveling to destroy the image of Hawaii, but merely better it with an earth-friendly industry. By turning hemp for economic benefits, the Earth will be thanking us.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Timkens Case Study Market Entry at Romania Essay Example

Timkens Case Study Market Entry at Romania Essay TIMKEN CASE STUDY1Doan Thi Thu Ha Timken was known as a leading manufacturer of highly engineered bearings and alloy steels and famous for its tapered roller bearings with over 200 types in more than 30,000 sizes. It was also the market leader in mechanical seamless steel tubing and shipped more than one million tons of premium alloy steels annually. Timken was located in Canton, Ohio. However, its operation was not limited in Ohio but in twenty-five countries and employed over 20,000 people worldwide. In the early 1990s, Timken intended to take the U. S model to Europe with some customization for the local market and focused on case-carburized tapered roller bearings. In early 1997, Timken reviewed its strategy with specific aim for the European market: to gain market share, to lower its cost structure and to increase production capacity. It also addressed three segments: small bearings for automotive and light industrial markets, medium bearings for construction equipment and large bearings for process and other heavy industries. As Timken Polska fulfilled the small bearings plant requirement and Gnutti Carlo S. p. A. in Italy provided a medium-sized bearings plant, Timken had to search for a large bearings plant in Central Europe that would provide the company with low-cost manufacturing capacity. Rulmenti Grei in Romania could be the potential choice for Timken ¶s large bearings plant. Rulmenti Grei offered valuable assets from market share, equipments to skill engineers to help Timken to crack the European industrial bearings market. This acquisition would be consistent with Timken ¶s strategy of gaining market share, improving cost structure and increasing production capacity. We will write a custom essay sample on Timkens Case Study Market Entry at Romania specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Timkens Case Study Market Entry at Romania specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Timkens Case Study Market Entry at Romania specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer However, Timken might face the difficulties of Romania ¶s political instability and the numerous operational challenges of integrating the plant into Timken ¶s global organization. Furthermore, as Rulmenti Grei produced a variety of bearing types, this investment could lead to the change in its century-corporate culture of focusing on tapered roller bearings. Timken also had to consider the acquisition cost and the additional investment they would undertake for plant upgrades and expansion. The merits of an acquisition of Rulmenti Grei and the risks for Timken According to the ranking system of Timken, Rulmenti Grei seemed to have a good assessment First, Rulmenti Grei had been a big manufacturer producing over 1,200 types and sizes of bearings including tapered, cylindrical, spherical, and ball bearings. Although tapered roller bearings currently represented only 18 percent of production, this proportion could be increased by retooling its equipment. Second, Timken was familiar with much of Grei’s equipment as It was made by an American machine builder. Third, the employees of Rulmenti Grei seemed to have high education and many of them had technical degrees. Furthermore, many professors spoke English fluently. Therefore, Timken could easily bring it up to US standards. Skilled talent is hard to find and difficult to retain. Local companies usually take advantages of this as they understand the culture, the behaviors and the expectation of local people to build up a strategy to attract talents (Bhattacharya, 2008). Thus, acquisition a company with impressive workforce could strengthen Timken’s competitive ability. Rulmenti Grei was considered as the good candidate for the company’s three-plant plan. It could offer Timken an opportunity to establish a stronger competitive position in the European industrial bearings market and to lower manufacturing costs across its heavy bearings business. It is said that local companies often win in the price war while the organizational processes and cost structures of many global companies make it difficult for them to sell products and services at optimal price points to satisfy both global, glocal, local and bottom customers (Khanna, 2006). Therefore, having effective cost structure would be the great advantage for Timken to become more competitive not only in Europe but also globally. Although Timken had several plants in Europe, their operation was less effective than those of competitors. With this acquisition, Timken could break into and dominate the European market and use it as the leverage to be the leader in bearing industry. However, the investment was not without risks. There are four types of risks in international business called cross-culture risk, country risk, currency risk and commercial risk. Cross-cultural risk refers to a situation or event where a cultural miscommunication puts some human value at stake. Country risk describes the potentially adverse effects on company operations and rofitability holes by developments in the political, legal, and economic environment in a foreign country. Currency risk is the risk of adverse unexpected fluctuations in exchange rates. Commercial risk refers to potential loss or failure from poorly developed or executed business strategies, tactics, or procedures (Boter Wincent, 2010). Investment in Rulmenti Grei , Timken might face the salient risks of political and economic instability. Romania’s economic growth was slower, inflation was higher, and the labor force was more volatile. Furthermore, there might be a risk of re-nationalization. It is said that economic risk analysis tells corporate leaders the ability of a particular country to pay its debt while political risk analysis tells them whether that country will pay its debt. Political risk measures the stability of individual countries through the combination of four factors: government, society, security, and the economy (Bremmer, 2005). However, the most important risks Timken faced were operations. Besides, the plant was struggling and lack a broad sales base outside Central Europe. Moreover, it sold most of its bearings to Romanian and Russian steel mills, whose business was in decline. An inability to make change rapidly could result in the need for Timken corporate to subsidize the Romanian operations for some time. Operating and organizational issues In order to gain broad acceptance of its product outside Central Europe, Timken need both technical and marketing expertise. First, Timken needed to improve the product to Western European standards. It would be difficult as steel quality was low, and the equipment was in disrepair. Even FLT where the technology and processes were relatively simple as it manufactured only tapered roller bearings, it had taken eighteen months to bring product quality up to Timken standards. Therefore, it would be impossible for Rulmenti Grei which had over 1,000 part numbers for four different bearing types to achieve Timken-level quality in six month. Further more, if Timken wanted to increase the proportion of tapered roller bearings production, new heat treatment equipment and workforce education in tapered roller manufacturing skills would be required. Besides, Timken needed to improve not only technology, technology but also raw materials to produce case-carburized bearings for industrial market with total additional investment of at least $8 million which was not a small figure. To bring Rulmenti Grei up to Timken’s quality was difficult but to convince potential customers that the product was of high quality and met their standards was also a big concern due to the fact that Western companies generally matched Central European manufactured bearings with poor quality. Applying Timken brand on these bearings producing to Western standards could help to gain the customers’ confidence. However, if the quality was not well controlled, it could damage Timken’s image and lead to a huge loss. Another issue was about what Timken would decide with other bearings that Rulmenti Grei was producing. If Timken decided to continue to produce these types of bearing, it might need to consider how to sell them and how to change its century-old corporate culture of producing tapered roller bearings. If Timken continued to focus only on tapered roller bearings, investment in equipment, technology and human resource must be high and the investment project would take a long time. Conditions to secure in framing the proposal and what the Romanian Government looked for in a winning proposal The Romanian government assessed the proposals based on the scoring worksheet including the acquisition price, future investment, and environmental remediation. Bidders were asked to nominate their acquisition price for 50. 99% of Rulmenti Grei which was for sale from a minimum of 183. 72 billion lei. In addition, bidders were required to indicate how much additional investment they would undertake for plant upgrades and expansion, and also what they would spend on environmental remediation. Romanian Government also expected bidders to put forward other more qualitative dimensions which could be influential in the final decision. Understanding the expectation of Romanian Government to satisfy them was the key element to win the acquisition. When a government was calling for an investment, of course they wanted an outstanding investor which had ability to drive the company successfully with a long-term investment not only for that company but also for society. Therefore, Timken would mention clearly in the proposal about its competitive strength and future development ability. In addition, Timken would focus on what Timken could do for the Rulmenti Grei as well as Romanian society such as a detail plan to make Grei become the biggest manufacturer in Europe which could bring thousands jobs for Romanian people by applying new technologies and processes. This investment would contribute much to Romania ¶s economic and technology as well as shorten the distance between Romania and other developed countries in Europe. Furthermore, Timken would show its investment in environmental protection and other activities to improve the Romanian environment, education, and living standards. Last but not least, Timken should also consider to nominate the appropriate acquisition price as it would be very difficult to win if its nominated price is much lower than that of other competitors. Furthermore, Timken could even ask for some commitment from Rumanian Government for a stable law in bearing industry or even a favorable treatment for Timken to ensure the sustainable growth especially in the first stage of investment. Proceed with a proposal or not? Globalization is said to be a double-edged sword (Bhattacharya, 2008). For all the pros and cons of this acquisition, the trade-off between benefits, costs and risks should be taken into consideration. However, one of the reason why Timken had not cracked the European market was its lack of competitive production capacity and a strong local presence on the continent, which was the home field of its two largest competitors, SKF and FAG. Although Timken had several manufacturing plants in Europe, the plants were low scale and less efficient compared to those of its major European competitors. Therefore, if Timken chose not to proceed this acquisition, the company would still need to secure low-cost manufacturing capacity some wherein Europe to build a platform to win European market. With its advantages as mentioned above, Rulmenti Grei was the best choice to support Timken ¶s mission, so taking this chance would open a new world of success for Timken. Moreover, SKF was keen on acquire Rulmenti Grei soif Timken did not take this chance, the distance between SKF and Timken might be lengthened and Timken might lose its competitive ability in Europe. Then, increasing European market share would be a big problem of Timken. Proceeding the proposal would be the lucid decision, however, the problem was how to analyze the risks accurately and mitigate them effectively. For example, as politics never stops moving, risk analysts must be able to follow a nations story as it develops with information gathered from journalists in the local and foreign press, current and former midlevel officials, and think-tank specialists (Bremmer, 2005). To mitigate the political risks, companies can maintain the good relationship with the government or become part of the country ¶s infrastructure or use local R, etc (Boter Wincent, 2010). In addition, companies can buy insurance for political risks such as the expropriation of property, political violence, currency inconvertibility, and breach of contract (Bremmer, 2005). However, it is worth remembering that though instability translates into greater risk, risk is not always a bad thing. Political risk in underdeveloped countries nearly always carries an upside because such nations are so unstable that negative shocks can do little further damage. (Bremmer, 2005). For the operational risk of not achieving Timken ¶s quality, Timken could mitigate it by controlling the materials, applying the qualified technologies, equipments, processes and management. The most importance is to prepare an accurate plan and try to apply these things as soon as possible. Expand its product line in response to European customer demand or not? In contrast to U. S where customers sought out specialty manufacturers for each bearing type, European customers preferred to buy all their bearings from a full-line producers. Thus, remaining a specialty manufacturer limited Timken’s potential market. Besides, Timken’s competitive position was also impacted by the lack of a full metric line for its bearings. In order to satisfy local demand, it would be necessary to expand its product line to compete with both local companies as well as international rivals. Each market often turns out to be unique because customers ¶ needs and tastes are idiosyncratic. Local companies are often the first to realize that and to build businesses. They are not constrained by existing products or by preconceived notions about customer needs. They customize products and services to meet different consumer requirements, and they initially go after economies of scope while many global companies find it costly and cumbersome to modify their products, services, and communications to suit local tastes. Global companies often end up occupying small, super premium niches (Khanna, 2006). When a business begins, it usually has only one product to satisfy a small group of customers. However, when it becomes famous, it is the time for it to develop something new to offer the customers. A broad product line and wide customer base may be the keys to success in tough times (Levine, 2001). The first advantage of product diversification is the increase of market share. By offering different products, company can satisfy a wide range of customers and enlarge its market share. Consequently, its revenue will increase and its brand will be known more wider and will be mentioned more frequently which leads to the higher brand value. Furthermore, this strategy also helps reduce overall business risk by offering products in a variety of customer categories to avoid having all eggs in one basket (Acevedo, 2009) and provide quick movement away from declining activities. LIST OF REFERENCE Acevedo, L. 2009. Product Diversification Strategy, Ehow website, retrieved [2010-11-17]. Bhattacharya, A. K. and Michael, D. C. 2008. How Local Companies Keep Multinationals at Bay. Harvard Business Review, 86(3): 84-95. Boter, H. and Wincent, J. 2010. Managing Networks and Internationalization  ± Lecture 2, UmeaSchool of Business. Bremmer, I. 2005. Managing Risk in an Unstable World. Harvard Business Review, 83(6): 51-60 Khanna, T. and Palepu, K. G. 2006. Emerging Giants. Building World-Class Companies inDeveloping Economies. Harvard Business Review, 84(10): 60-69. Levine, B. 2001, Diversify And Prosper, Electronic News (10616624), Vol. 47 Issue 25, p2. Mackenzie, S. 2003. The Timken Company: Market Entry Into Romania (A) Case Study,Stanford Graduate School of Business.